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Quality Assurance  

Public Sector organisations are subject to a variety of Quality Assurance standards when buying goods or services. These include


- Fire Standards

- Water Regulations (electrical equipment)

- Strength and Stability

- Infection Control 

- Sustainability

- EU/UK Standards

- Energy Efficiency

- CE Marking


The Procurement Department liaise with the relevant internal and external experts to establish these standards thus minimising the risk to the organisation in buying inappropriate equipment. These would include:


- Infection Control Staff

- Medical Devices Asset Management

- The organisations facilities provider 


The Procurement Department will ensure that purchases are made from reputable suppliers, who comply with the Quality Assurance standards applicable to the goods or services being procured.


NHS Conditions of Contract require compliance with all relevant statutory legislation, including

- Equality and Diversity

- Sale of Goods

- Human Rights

- Data Protection

- Modern Slavery Act 

Other pages in this section



01 January 2014

New EU Threshold limits for 2014

The EC Procurement Threshold limits have changed from the 1st January 2014. Please click here to view threshold limits  

CE Waiver Revised Form - LPT only

From 1st November 2014 a revised CE waiver form has been agreed for use in LPT read more 


01 January 2014

NHS Supply Chain News

For the latest NHS Supplychain news, publications ,notices and product updates please visit their site here


01 January 2014

Contract News

Details of recent contracts issued by Procurement and the latest contract news can be found here