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About Purchasing and Requisitions

The Procurement Partnership influences spend of approximately £60m on goods and services each year. Trust Standing Orders and Standing Financial Instructions strictly control the procedure to follow in awarding contracts valued above individual Trust threshold limits and EU Procurement Directive threshold of £111,676 per annum (1 Jan 2014 limit).

The NHS Procurement Partnership arranges contracts for a wide variety of goods and services each year.

The Contract Team is responsible for a wide range of medical and non-medical products and services, inviting tenders and awarding contracts.

The Procurement Team is the first point of contact for procurement enquiries and day-to-day operational issues regarding non-stock and stock procurement





Stock items are items which are available via NHS Supply Chain.



Non-stock items are any items which are not held centrally in stock by NHS Supplies Chain, and are not ordered via NHS Supply Chain.

Non-stock goods are purchased through a number of supply routes, including

- NHS National Contracts

- Local Contracts

- Consortium Contracts

- Other contracts accessed by the NHS e.g. Crown Commercial Service (CCS)

- Ad-hoc e.g. non-contract

- Use of Purchasing Cards

All Trusts are to make use of contracts where they exist. By using contracts, benefit from national prices, guaranteed service and quality, and assured that all statutory requirements e.g. health and safety, Durability, Sustainable and Environmental have been met.

Before ordering goods and services on behalf of Trusts, the Procurement Department ensures that the procurement is compliant with Trusts' Standing Orders and Standing Financial Instructions, and all relevant National and EU Procurement Directives

Requisitioning (e-requisitioning)

LPT customers use an electronic requisition system known as iProc, The Departments other customers also use electronic requisition via SBS facilitated software. Both systems are Oracle based.


LPT User Guides

Raising Requisitions & Approving: 'A Users Guide'

iProc Requisitioning: 'A Quick User Guide'

E-Catalogue - Presentation and Guide


SBS User Guides

iProc User Guide - Oracle R12

iProc Receipting - Reference Guide



01 January 2014

New EU Threshold limits for 2014

The EC Procurement Threshold limits have changed from the 1st January 2014. Please click here to view threshold limits   

CE Waiver Revised Form - LPT only

From 1st November 2014 a revised CE waiver form has been agreed for use in LPT read more


01 January 2014

NHS Supply Chain News

For the latest NHS Supplychain news, publications ,notices and product updates please visit their site here


01 January 2014

Contract News

Details of recent contracts issued by the Trust/Organisation and the latest contract news can be found here

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